Sunday, December 9, 2018

2019 Victorian Reading Challenge --- with PRIZES!

The last four years, I've read everything "Victorian" I could get my hands on. I still can't seem to get enough, so this year I'm renewing my commitment toward Victorian studies. I'm still fascinated and there's still so much to learn! Read on for a phantasmagorical reading challenge for 2019---complete with PRIZES---Victorian style!

More than any other time in modern history, the Victorian Age saw the most change to European and American societies. Many agrarian, rural communities transitioned to urban centers of industry. Men and women began to talk about and take steps toward redefining their traditional roles. Theories about God, the origin of man, and the practice of religion began to be publicly put forth, challenged, refuted, or solidified. The Victorian Age saw a great revolution in the western world and it's a topic that fascinates me endlessly.

Over the past few years, I've collected a good stack of Victorian novels and have several on my Christmas list. I spent a week in England a couple years ago, visiting the Brontes' old stomping grounds, and even wrote and taught a class on Victorian Sci Fi and Fantasy literature. This year's reading challenge will be all about the Victorians.

The Rules

*Books published during the Victorian age (1837-1901) are acceptable.

*Books written about the Victorian age are acceptable, no matter what year they were published.

*Stories are not limited to Victorian Britain. Read about what was going on in other parts of the world during this time!

The challenge is open to everyone everywhere---you don't have to have a blog or site to join. Just comment with the link to your online review (Amazon, Goodreads, BookCrossing, or elsewhere) and we'll come visit you.

How to Join

Leave a comment below letting me know you're in and add your blog link if you have one. You can link directly to your home page or to a post you've written about the challenge.

You can join at any point during 2019!

Share this challenge with your friends so they can join, too!

The Prizes

This year I'm teaming up with The Victorian Letter Writers Guild (ok, yes, the VLWG is also me...just let me have my fun) to bring you some superb Victorian-inspired quarterly prizes. To win, simply add the link to each review you do in the comment section below. Each quarter (March, June, September, December) I'll randomly choose one reader to win a fun Victorian-inspired reading/writing package. The challenge is open internationally so share, share, share with your friends!


  1. I'm in. I was pleased to find out that Elizabeth Gaskell lived during the Victorian Era since I have recently enjoyed some of her books and wanted to continue to explore her writing. Unfortunately, it looks like Elizabeth Goudge (what's with all the Elizabeths?!) was born at the tail end of it (1900). Can I count her, too?

    1. Absolutely! Ms. Goudge lived a full eight months during the Victorian era---she definitely counts! (And both Elizabeths are favorites of mine, too!)

  2. I am definitely interested! I don't have a blog so I will have to figure out a place to write reviews if I do it. I own a ton of Victorian era books and about the time, but I have already read so many of them!

  3. Ohhh, sign me up, please.

  4. Would love to join in, sounds like fun!

  5. Love Flaubert, Dickens, al. Sounds divine

  6. AmyLisa:
    I've finished reading Miss Marjoribanks by Margaret Oliphant today, now let's see if I can properly link my review.

    1. Thanks for sharing your review! This one is on my TBR list. Following you on Goodreads now.

  7. Thank you! I must warn you that some of the time I just make brief reviews for myself on Goodreads, and other times write them with other readers in mind. I also read very widely from children's literature to science fiction, so you may not find all my reviews relevant to your interests. But I appreciate the compliment of you following me! Thank you for organizing this Victorian reading encouragement, and also the VLWG!

  8. I would love to participate!
    Life on Chickadee Lane:

  9. I finally finished Green Dolphin Street by Elizabeth Goudge. Well worth reading!

  10. I've just finished another: Ruth by Elizabeth Gaskill, published 1853. My review here:

  11. The Europeans by Henry James (published 1878). My review:

  12. I re-read Jane Eyre since a penpal friend (not VLWG) wanted to read it for a read-along. Sadly, I did not enjoy it more than the first time around. My review:

    What has everyone else been reading lately?
