Another new year is coming in and I've cleared the entire 2022 calendar for reading...
Yeah, I know, I said that last year. This blog saw, what, two posts? Three? And one of them was done hastily last night. I got the reading in---kind of---it's the blogging about reading for which I crashed and burned. Maybe my opening line should read, "Another new year is coming in and I've committed to keeping my reading blog updated..." That's not as catchy, is it?
I've looked over several awesome reading challenges out there and have settled on those below. Mt. TBR was greatly reduced in 2021 when I went on a purging frenzy and got rid of well over 100 books. We'll see what kind of a dent 2022 can make.
This challenge takes place right here at Belle's Library. You may read any book published during or about the Victorian era (1837-1901).
I'm hosting this challenge for a second year. Read all the things you missed out on as a kid---or revisit some old favorites!

This challenge encourages us to read a minimum of four books and offers monthly themed challenges.
This one is new to me this year, though I do think I participated once upon a time. The Historical Fiction Reading Challenge at The Intrepid Reader. Choose your era and go to town! I think I'll attempt the Medieval Level at 15 historical fiction books. Use hashtag: #histficreadingchallenge on social media.
I actually have quite a bit of Georgian/Regency books on my TBR. I love this era!

This is a set-it-yourself challenge that runs for 5 years. Commit to reading at least 50 classics in 5 years. You can see my list here: The Classics Club.
Daughters of Promise runs the Brighter Winter Reading Program during the months of January and February. They offer a challenge sheet and prizes!
What great reading challenges have you discovered for 2022?
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