Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Nathanuary 2024 -- Nathaniel Hawthorne Reading Challenge at Belle's Library


Hey friends! It's time to start thinking about our 2024 Reading Challenges and I've got a new one for you this year! If you've been around here long enough, you know my obsession for Nathaniel Hawthorne (if not, see side bar link!) so it's high time he gets his own reading challenge here at Belle's Library, don't you think?

This one is easy --- just read one book or short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne in the month of January! Come back and tell us about it or leave a link and we'll all be the better for it! For more info, watch my video about the challenge here: BookTube

Link up your blog, Goodreads, announcement video, or however you make your participation known to the world, and I'll add you to a sidebar list to make Hawthorne hopping easy for us all!

Have a great time friends!



  1. Hi Sarah! Hawthorne was a favorite when I was in college. I've not read any of his works for years! Count me in.

  2. Having read The Scarlet Letter and House of Seven Gables, and having a goal of reading more classics for the Classics Club, I'd like to join by reading as much of Twice-told Tales as I can get through in the month. Thanks for this encouragement.

    1. Actually, after reading an introduction to Twice-told Tales, I'm changing my mind and plan. I'm not into "creepy" stories, as several are described, so I'm going to go with "Fanshawe" which I have on my Kindle. I hope I'm choosing well. ;)
